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In this new age of social media, PR marketing must be both sensible

In this new age of social media, PR marketing must be both sensible

Recently, Mannings has caused controversy among many netizens because of the fact that he “still filed a complaint when the cleaner’s mother-in-law mistakenly took the stamps”. Afterwards, Mannings responded on its Facebook page, saying that the case had entered the judicial process and it was inconvenient to comment, and that he respected the spirit of the rule of law in Hong Kong and believed in the court’s judgment, which eventually added fuel to the fire, causing a “Guan Gong disaster” and greatly affecting its reputation.

The core reason for this disaster is that Mannings has responded to the crisis in an old-fashioned public relations manner.

In the days before social media was prevalent, large corporations responded to public relations crises by issuing timely press releases to explain the incident, but now it is easy to deal with them in this outdated way.

In the case of Wanning, for example, in the confession, it was written in an official style, creating a sense of using the “judicial process” as a public relations shield, which immediately touched the sensitive nerves of netizens, and in this era of social media, netizens were able to disseminate information and make concentrated comments in an instant, resulting in a faster outbreak of the crisis, resulting in the current situation that is out of control.

It is important to know that in today’s social media, in fact, no matter what size of enterprise, must face up to and reflect on how to face the public relations crisis on the Internet, and can no longer deal with it with traditional public relations methods.

Because in today’s environment, the market has changed from seller-led to buyer-led, and the collective will and voice of users determine the success or failure of the brand. Therefore, if companies do not understand this and continue to deal with marketing issues in a way that sellers dominate the market, although it is legally correct, it will still lead to a public relations crisis like Wanning’s this one, ignoring the elements of human feelings.

In today’s new era of marketing, enterprises should do a good job in public relations marketing and deal with public relations crises smoothly, in addition to doing their duty of right and wrong, they should also pay attention to human feelings, be reasonable and reasonable, and make humanized decisions, so as to turn crises into opportunities, keep and even further enhance the brand image.

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