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Facebook launched a global story for groups and added emojis

Facebook announced on Tuesday that it will launch Stories for groups in global markets and allow group members to use…

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Do tech giants such as Facebook monitor our lives?

Ever wondered why Facebook knows so much about user habits? Because in addition to tracking how users click on pages…

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LinkedIn is not so popular in Hong Kong but it is commonly used in other country and Hong Kong is…

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[Interactive New Thinking: Facebook Live]

There is more than one brand on social platforms, and to stand out from the crowd, in addition to brand…

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[Keeping up with the Internet boom, but also seizing the opportunity? ]

“Chickens, all chickens” was an Internet craze a month ago, and even celebrities and Internet celebrities vied to make films…

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Is Instagram a big trend to grow your brand?

With the popularity of mobile devices, there are more than 1 billion smartphone users in the Asia-Pacific region, driving the…

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The impact and enlightenment of Facebook fake ads

Social networking giant Facebook pointed out in recent months that Russia bought more than 3,000 ads through Facebook in previous…

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Did you know that Google has been eavesdropping on what users are saying?

In the face of the data leakage scandal, Mark Zuckerberg said in the hearing that Facebook did not eavesdrop on…

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How to manage brand reputation online effectively

In the previous article, we discussed the importance of Social Media Monitoring. Let’s continue with this topic and discuss further…

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How to effectively manage your brand reputation on the web

In the previous article, we discussed the importance of social media monitoring, and this time we will continue the discussion…

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Monitoring brand messaging is becoming more global

Under the influence of globalization, the news and PR events of the same brand in different regions will affect each…

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[Facebook Tries Changing Feed Mode?]

Recently, the most controversial topic is Facebook’s testing in specific countries, where they’ve split the “News Feed” into “Personal Feed”…

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[5 Key Directions in Social Media You Can’t Ignore]

Social Media Direction 1: Make Good Use of Social Listening Tools Brands can continuously monitor users’ opinions, discussions, and post-use…

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An unintentional remark of the “post-00s” has brought a major warning to the transformation of social media outlets

Do you remember a street interview about the “post-00s” that went viral on Facebook in the early years? One of…

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