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Develop a digital marketing strategy that best suits your company in 2021

In the age of digital fragmentation, it takes you and your audience six to eight online exchanges to get a lead. Traditional marketing tactics, such as advertising, have been ineffective against savvy consumers, who gather information from various sources before deciding to buy a product. As a result, today’s online consumer journey has become increasingly complex and difficult to master! To develop the best digital marketing strategy for your company, we first need to unpack the online customer journey of your target customers. With the help of big data, we can find your online opportunities:  How much demand does…

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Teach you how to fight the “epidemic” at Christmas

Affected by the epidemic, the market is sluggish this year, and the corporate brand can be said to have lost a whole year, but as the end of the year is approaching, it is better to take advantage of Christmas to engage in new ideas on the online platform, play the “epidemic” and win, and win back a city! In 2019, Facebook commissioned market research firm YouGov to conduct a survey on holiday spending in 31 markets around the world, and 61% and 64% of respondents said they were more likely to discover new products and shop at holiday sales…

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#TGIF! Marketer: This weekend’s must-watch Netflix’s Emily In Paris teaches you undefeated socal media marketing

As a marketer, you may still have to work even if it’s a holiday. If you want to chill in your spare time, YouFind will introduce you to the recent Netflix super popular series “Emily In Paris”, which is definitely worth watching! In addition to enjoying the plot, you can also learn from it and learn the new way of brand social media management! There are many articles in foreign countries that synthesize what you have learned, so let’s break down 4 undefeated socal media marketing strategies for you! Interaction is the key! In fact, in today’s social media world,…

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Google SEO Ranking Optimization Guide: Do these 3 points well It’s hard to think about rankings!

Google SEO ranking optimization needs a step-by-step process! If you want to do a good job in Google SEO ranking, you must have a complete optimization plan! Normally, Google SEO optimization includes off-site SEO, on-site SEO and technical SEO. 1. The technical SEO operation of Google SEO ranking optimization In addition to on-site SEO optimization and off-site SEO optimization, it is a technical SEO optimization operation, which mainly includes the following points: 1. Whether the website code structure is concise. 2. Whether the website is compatible with mobile terminals, whether it adopts a responsive architecture, Google clearly indicates that responsive websites will…

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【Expanding Business Channels under Digitalization – How to Quickly Expand Customer CRM and Target Advertiser Base?】

Many brands understand the importance of Go Digital digitalization during the pandemic, but even if you have invested in the online market, it does not mean that you have successfully launched online. The key point is that your business doesn’t really enjoy the biggest advantage of Big Data – marketing automation. In fact, borrowing from the sales methods of many large chain brands such as loyalty programmes, which is an important marketing strategy that fits the mentality of local consumers, want to know how this can help your business to earn short-term and long-term profits? WhatsApp now Our professional consultants…

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There are several key points in the marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites

1. Common misunderstandings in the promotion of foreign trade websites Myth 1 In the process of marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites, many people will have such a wrong cognition: “there will be orders if there is traffic”! Although this sentence seems to be no problem, but it is not the case in practical application, and sometimes we will encounter the embarrassing situation of traffic without orders! Therefore, in the procedures for marketing and promotion of foreign trade websites, we not only consider how to drain traffic! We also need to further consider how to improve conversion! Because whether…

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【DFI Digital Footprint System, Help You Grasp Every Potential Business Opportunity!】

Want to know who has ever browsed your website, want to increase the conversion rate of e-commerce, but alas, visitors are as elusive as ghosts. As you can see from the chart below, if 95% of visitors have stayed on an e-commerce site, browsed products, or even put products in their shopping carts, only 5% of visitors actually buy them. Every business is eager to increase e-commerce conversions, but they can’t afford to sit back and take the initiative. YouFind’s DFI (Digital Footprint Intelligence) system can provide you with the following services: • Find the contact information of visitors to…

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Recognize the value of your customers’ footprints in your rewards program

Hong Kong is an internationally renowned shopping paradise, and the retail sector is one of the main drivers of the local economy. According to the provisional estimates of the Census and Statistics Department, the total retail sales prices in the first eight months of 2020 decreased by 30.2% compared with the same period in 2019. Social distancing measures and a sharp drop in visitor numbers have left the retail sector facing its toughest winter ever. In the context of the ongoing pandemic, the government’s relief measures, while useful, are clearly inadequate. The retail industry has to take the initiative to…

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【Google Ads Tutorial】Tips for foreign trade enterprise websites to improve Google Ads ROI

Many foreign trade companies will use Google advertorials and media advertising to market their products. So, how to cleverly put Google Ads ads into advertorials to improve the ROI conversion rate of Google Ads? In the process of foreign trade website promotion, many companies will use Google advertorial promotion and media advertising to market their products. So what if you use these promotion methods to cleverly improve the ROI of Google Ads? 1. Pay attention to the relevance of news content to Google Ads ads If the advertisement promoted by the company does not have much to do with the…

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China Unicom’s overseas sales increased by 52 times in half a year!

Backstory In recent years, China Unicom International has been trying to enter the overseas market through the Internet, and after finally determining the plan of cooperation search marketing with YouFind, it took only half a year to increase overseas sales by 52 times, and the effect far exceeded expectations, which made a good paving for the company’s next stage of global sales. Today, I would like to share with you the stories of the cooperation between China Unicom and YouFind. Opportunities and challenges When China Unicom first began to expand its global business, it faced a number of challenges, including…

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